​Well, I guess this is where I get to share a little bit more about myself.
In my early teens, if I wasn't perched in front of the TV watching a sci-fi show then I was in my bedroom reading a sci-fi novel. At the time, Heinlein and Asimov were my favorite authors but I would devour most any other space adventure with equal enthusiasm. It wasn't until I discovered my mother's secret stash of romance novels squirreled away at the back of a closet that my interests took an abrupt detour. You see, I always wished that the sci-fi stories I loved so much had a bit more (tons more) romance between the covers. When my inner voice whispered, write your own, I ignored her for many years (decades).
Now, I'm a retired RN and I've been married to my own wonderful Alpha for several years. We live on the Gulf Coast in southern Texas. When the last and youngest of our three children left the nest a couple of years ago, I decided it was time to follow my dreams and began writing full time. Thankfully, my cast of characters never gave up on me. They remain stuck in my head, waiting for me to write their stories. They are an impatient group.
Besides writing and reading, I love traveling anywhere, boating, fishing and cooking. And last but definitely not least - my hubby and I are owned by an extremely possessive and demanding tabby cat named Tiger. She allows us to live in her home.